Call for papers
The next joint conference of the Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie and the DGPS-Fachgruppe für Geschichte der Psychologie will focus on the topic of “criticism” and primarily address the following questions:
What criticisms have been directed against psychology as a whole or its subdisciplines or research programs?
To what extent have external and internal criticisms influenced and shaped the field and its development?
How can the historical development of different forms of criticism within psychology be reconstructed? Which developmental tendencies can be identified in “critical” thinking, research and psychological practice?
The aim of the conference is to gain a more accurate understanding of how the self-conception of psychology, but also the broader social perception of psychology, has changed during its 150-year history as an academically institutionalized discipline. Since psychology, like any other science, has established itself in a cultural and sociohistorical context, it is natural to think of psychology as a cultural enterprise and to approach the questions addressed from a cultural-psychological and psychological-historical perspective. We also welcome interdisciplinary contributions that approach the topic from a philosophical, philosophy of science, sociological, anthropological, sociology of science, postcolonial, and/or gender theory perspective.
You can register to contribute:​
- a talk (max. 30 minutes)
- a symposium (max. 90 minutes, with 3 presentations of approx. 20 minutes each)
​For talks and symposia, allow 20 to 30 minutes for open discussion.​
The deadline for abstract submission is April 30th, 2023. Abstracts for talks and symposia should be a max. of 2,500 or 4,000 characters, respectively.​
Authors will be notified of the organizers’ acceptance decision by the end of May 2023.
For more information about the submission procedure, see “Abstract Submission.”